Phonics and Spelling
At Myton Park Primary School we are passionate about ensuring all children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers. We believe that linguistic phonics, delivered in a consistent and progressive manner, provides the foundations of key knowledge and skills, enabling our children to develop into fluent readers and confident spellers. Through regular, direct teaching of phonics, our youngest children learn to apply the alphabetic code while developing the key skills of blending, segmenting and phoneme manipulation. As they progress though school, our children develop their knowledge of the wider alphabetic code while continuing to apply their skills, enabling them to spell increasingly complex words.
As well as developing our children’s phonic knowledge so that they become fluent readers, we also aim to:
We achieve this through our strong commitment to and emphasis on reading throughout the whole school. Shared and whole-class guided reading sessions are built into the school timetable so that children are explicitly taught the skills of reading. A designated slot is provided at the end of each day for an adult to read a quality text to the class; these text have been carefully selected to ensure that they offer diversity and are of high quality. Regular reading events take place in school to encourage children to read at home and high engagement levels are maintained through positive incentives.
Our aim is that all pupils should be able to communicate their knowledge, ideas and emotions effectively through their writing. Throughout their time at Myton Park Primary School, we want them to: