School Uniform

The Governing Body has approved a school uniform and we expect children to be neat and tidy and to take pride in their own appearance.  Some current fashion trends in hairstyles and adornments, designer clothing and footwear are inappropriate for school on health and safety grounds. Flat shoes must be worn.

The following items are required: –
Burgundy sweatshirts/plain burgundy cardigans (nursery only)
Burgundy/grey sweaters or cardigans embroidered with the school logo and the child’s initials (Reception to Y6)
Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers
White shirt/blouse/polo shirt
Grey tights
Plain grey, white or black socks
Flat black shoes
School book bag/satchel

Summer uniform
Yellow gingham dress/school cardigan
Grey shorts
Flat summer shoes in black/white (no open toe sandals)
White tights/socks

PE Uniform
Plain white t-shirt/Plain navy blue shorts
Plain white t-shirt/Plain navy blue jogging trousers and warm top

We would ask that all items of uniform/school wear be clearly labelled with your child’s name to avoid any unnecessary upset or confusion.

Days when children have PE they attend in their PE uniform

On wet days children will need a change of footwear if Wellingtons/boots are worn to school.  We would actively discourage the wearing of open toe shoes as this can make the use of our outdoor play facilities very dangerous.

The two suppliers of our school sweatshirts, jumpers, cardigans and bookbags are Elizabeths Embroidery and Motif8.  Uniform can be ordered via school/direct from the shop or via the website
Elizabeths Embroidery –
Motif8 –

All other items can be purchased from general high street retailers/supermarkets