Nursery Admissions Policy
Myton Park Primary School has a 78 placed nursery (39 morning and 39 afternoon places) for 4 and 3 year olds. We also offer flexible places i.e. 2 and a half days and some 30 hour places.
Children are normally admitted to our nursery in the September following their third birthday, however, depending on the number of places available, children may be admitted to the nursery immediately after their third birthday.
We follow Stockton on Tees Admissions Policy when offering places:-
Priority is given to 4 year olds who are not in a nursery where:
1. They are not resident in the admission zone of the school but have a sibling attending the school at the time they take their place in nursery.
2. Resident within the admission zone
3. Not resident in the admission zone of the school and for whom it has not been possible/appropriate to allocate a place at their admission
zone school and the school for which the parent is applying is deemed appropriate;
Where there are vacancies remaining, up to the set admission number of 39 full time equivalent places, places will be allocated in the following order of priorities for 3 year old children:
1. The child has direct sibling links (brothers/sisters/step-brothers/step-sisters) already attending Myton Park Primary School
2. The child’s permanent residential address is within the admission zone for Myton Park Primary School. Please note that it is now school
policy to request one or more of the following documents to establish proof of residency, child benefit letter, council tax bill, utility bill.
3. Any remaining places will be offered to children, in date of birth order, living outside the admission zone for Myton Park Primary School whoare on the waiting list.
Parents are invited to put their child’s name down on our waiting list.
At Myton Park we operate the following sessions nursery sessions:-
Option A 5 mornings 8.45am – 11.45am
Option B 5 afternoons 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Option C Monday and Tuesday 8.45am – 11.45am; 12.30pm – 3.30pm; Wednesday 8.45am -11.45am
Option D Wednesday 12.30pm – 3.30pm; Thursday and Friday 8.45am – 11.45am, 12.30pm – 3.30pm
Please note that admission to the Nursery at Myton Park Primary School does not guarantee a place in our Reception class.
30 Hour Provision
All children are entitled to 15 hours free nursery provision. In addition to this we have a limited number of 30 hour free nursery places. Parents can therefore request that their child attends nursery up to 30 hours.
Please speak to a member of staff for more information.