We believe that Religious Education has an important part to play in the development of our pupil’s spiritual, moral and social development both within school and beyond.

  • We aim to provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum, that includes meaningful and thought- provoking approaches;
  • The agreed syllabus is progressive and builds upon prior learning, making links between different religions across key concepts;
  • Our curriculum is designed to give opportunities to explore big questions about life, what people believe and what difference this makes to the way they live;
  • We aim to support pupils in making sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas, experiences and way of living;
  • Our RE curriculum focusses on a range of religions both in our community and wider world, in order to develop pupils global awareness;
  • As part of our RE curriculum, we promote British Values of mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

At Myton Park Primary School, we follow the agreed syllabus for Stockton on Tees.

RE curriculum intent

RE curriculum pathway

Progression of RE themes

RE knowledge and skills progression grid

                                    Together, we nurture, inspire and achieve