Stockton on Tees Local Authority is responsible for the admission of children into Myton Park Primary School. Below is the criteria used for admission into Reception September 2024.
Stockton on Tees Local Education Authority Admission Policy for Reception for 2024-2025
The admission conditions will give priority to applications for admission to a school in the following order:-
Pupils who are cared for by the local authority.
Pupils who need specialist provision due to their complex needs
Primary pupils who have a brother or sister permanently living at the same address, who are still at the school when the pupil begins. Please note this criteria only applies to siblings who are of compulsory school age, not younger siblings who attend a nursery setting attached to a school
Pupils who are permanently resident within the admission zone who have returned a School Admission Form by the due date.
Pupils who have social or medical reasons for being admitted to the school which would, should the child not be admitted, cause him or her to be seriously disadvantaged or put personal safety at risk. For each case we will need proof from an independent person such as a medical specialist who has been involved with the child over a period of time, a social worker. The exceptional reasons may be on social, medical or education grounds. However in each case, we will need proof from an independent source such as a head teacher, doctor, social worker or other professional. We will not give places within this condition based on a child’s ability or intelligence.
Pupils who live closest to the school as measured in a straight line (“as the crow flies”). This will be measured electronically from a centre point of the school to a centre point of the home (including flats
In the event of our school being over subscribed we do not guarantee Reception/school places for any pupils who live within the admission zone and/or who attend our nursery.
For the academic year 2024/2025, our admission limit into Reception is 30. The maximum number of pupils in each of our year groups i.e Reception to Year 6 is 30
Equal Ranking
Applications will be allocated using a process called Equal Ranking. This means that all preferences put down on your common application form will be treated equally. However, we will try to meet your highest ranked preference.
When it is not possible to comply with parental preferences, parents will be given the right to appeal to an Independent Appeal Committee.
Admission to Reception Class
Children will be admitted to main school, (full time) in September 2024 if their date of birth falls between 1st September 2018 and 31st August 2019.
A meeting for new parents will be arranged with staff in the term before your child begins school.
Nursery Admissions
Please see information in the Early Years Section
Admission to Years 1 -6
If you require admission into any of our other school years then please contact Stockton Borough Council’s Admission Department on 01642 526605
You can also apply on-line at