Vision and Values

Vision and Values

Together we nurture, inspire and achieve is our school strap line and is central to life at Myton Park Primary. Our carefully chosen curriculum drivers of: Resilience, Independence and Community support the work that we do. We are resolute in our ambition to want the very best for the children in out care and have identified the following principles that define Myton Park Primary.

High Ambition

  • We provide an environment that inspires everyone to achieve their full potential.
  • We encourage a drive for improvement in our staff and pupils.
  • We place a value in our staff and their development.
  • We want all children to aspire for excellence, secure in the understanding we all make mistakes and these are part of the learning process.

Broad, Balanced and Ambitious Curriculum

  • We build a strong knowledge-based curriculum, with reading at its heart, based on the most up to date research evidence about best practice.
  • We want our children to be exposed to the best of what has been thought and said. To develop their own critical thought and provide opportunities for them to apply this understanding.
  • Raise children’s cultural capital, so they are prepared for their next stages in life.

Personal Development

  • We are committed to developing the whole child, recognising personal development is as important as academic success.
  • We provide children with leadership opportunities, to take on responsibilities, contributing to our school.
  • Culture and develop resilient, independent, confident resourceful children, who are open to new experiences who continue to evolve and take risks.
  • We want our children to have high aspirations, confident to let their personalities shine though, celebrating individuality.

Nurturing Environment

  • We prioritise pupil and staff wellbeing, to ensure everyone in school can aspire to be the best version of themselves.
  • We foster a culture of trust where children feel secure to try new things, to stretch their learning, developing their own critical thought, not afraid to make mistakes, secure that this is part of the learning process.
  • We are passionate that everyone in school has their voice heard and provide the mechanisms for this to happen.


  • We foster a strong understanding of our community and celebrate the cultures within.
  • We have a strong school community and strive for all to demonstrate pride and value in this.
  • We develop the children’s appreciation of their role in the wider community and the impact they can have as citizens.

In essence our vision for Myton park is for children to thrive in our car. To achieve well, developing into well rounded young people ready to confidently take their next steps in life, community citizens we are proud of.

We consulted pupils and asked them three key questions:

Click on the links above to see what our children said.