School Council at Myton Park Primary School
The school council at Myton Park is an elected body of children who work together and represent the voice of the children in school. At the beginning of the academic year we hold campaigns where the children put forward their reasons to be elected. We then hold formal elections and each child is able to place his/her cote at the polling station. The two children from each year group with the most votes are elected. The children then hold meetings where they decide on projects they would like to undertake and each year’s council leave a legacy behind. The school council meet regularly to discuss issues which come up in school and to help organise events such as Comic Relief. After these meetings they feedback to their own class, sharing news and ideas.
Our school council for the academic year 2017-2018 is:-
Reception – Beth and Seb
Year 1 – Bella and Ollie
Year 2 – Angelica and Henry
Year 3 – Evie and Alex
Year 4 – Isla and Thomas
Year 5 – Poppy and Rowan
Year 6 – Martha and Joel
19th December 17 – Today Mrs Roberts and members of the school council went to Tesco to collect goods donated by them for our “thank you” party for the people who come into school to help us. A photograph of us with the Tesco staff is in the School Council folder in the gallery.