Dear Parent/Carer
Myton Park Primary School achieved the prestigious NACE Challenge Award for excellence on 7th March 12.
We are the 247th school in the UK to achieve the Award out of approximately 24,000 schools, which puts us on the national stage for excellence.
The Challenge Award is given for high quality work by the whole school, in challenging all children, including those with high abilities, to achieve their best.
The Award is given by NACE, the National Association for Able Children in Education, a leading natiional education organisation and registered charity established for 28 years.
This Award is rigorous and takes years to achieve. Assessors scrutinised our portfolio of evidence against criteria and spend a day in school, observing lessons and interviewing pupils, teachers, parents and governors.
I wouldlike to take this opportunity to thank the parents who took part in the inspection day and also all of Myton Park’s parents and carers whose invaluable support and co-operation helped us to achieve this award.
Kind regards
Lee Eason
Deputy Head Teacher